By Stefan Dubowski
Bring the best of the National Film Board’s short educational documentaries and animated movies into your classroom. This content-rich app includes a Kids’ Movies channel with access to 20 films that are suitable for elementary students. A sampling of the compelling subjects on offer: a polar bear searches for work in the big city; a boy deals with a subway jam (in his apartment!); dinner guests learn the consequences of poor table manners. Use the app’s search tool to peruse more than 2,500 titles, including classics such as The Sweater, The Cat Came Back, Log Driver’s Waltz and Stream films directly from the site or save them for later.
Device: Apple; Android
Source: iTunes; Google Play; free
Rating: 12+; Low Maturity
EduLulu Rating: 4.5/5
What do you get when you combine monsters, mobile technology and the popular Montessori pedagogy? One engaging math app! Games designed for six- to eight-year-olds help reinforce lessons in addition, subtraction, halves, doubles, and even and odd numbers. Correct answers earn players points that they redeem in the Monster Lab, where they can “purchase” components to make creepy creatures. The camera feature lets players snap shots of their creations and save them on their mobile devices. The app automatically adjusts to each skill level, presenting more challenges as he or she progresses. Call it “sum” good old-fashioned fun for young math whizzes.
Device: Apple; Android
Source: iTunes; Google Play; $3.99–$4.99
Rating: 4+; Everyone
EduLulu Rating: 5/5
Download this app for an interactive conjugation cheat sheet ready to use on your tablet or smartphone, any time. Can’t quite remember the infinitive form of the past participle eu? Just type those two letters into the app’s simple search box and up pops the verb avoir — conjugated in all modes (indicatif, conditionnel, subjonctif and impératif) and tenses (including futur proche, futur antérieur and passé antérieur). From aller (to go) to zézayer (to lisp), the program catalogues thousands of verbs and conjugates them as stand-alone words or in complete sentences for additional context. Installed by more than 100,000 users around the world, this intuitive app is, as they say, “très utile!”
Device: Apple; Android
Source: iTunes; Google Play; free
Rating: 4+; Everyone
EduLulu Rating: 4.5/5
EduLulu is part of Groupe Média TFO, a world leader in education. The online guide’s evaluations are the work of teams of independent experts (including OCTs), who review up to 100 English, French and bilingual educational apps (iOS and Android) each month for ages 2 to 17. To access the complete list and search by filter, visit Interested in becoming an EduLulu evaluator? Go to to learn how to get involved.