Photos: Ontario College of Teachers (Danish Delegation and Uruguay Delegation); Marc Fowler (Ottawa Baby Show)
Avis Glaze, former commissioner of the Royal Commission on Learning, accompanies a group of Danish principals on a visit to the College. Glaze said she was pleased to see the College serving the public interest, which is how the commission envisioned the College’s mandate when it recommended the establishment of the College 20 years ago.
Baby Time
A mother and her infant son visit the College booth (and sandbox) at the Ottawa Baby Show, held March 21 and 22, 2015. The College was there to inform new and expectant parents about the role it plays in protecting the public interest.
Visiting Delegations
College Council Chair Liz Papadopoulos (centre) speaks with members of the visiting delegation from Uruguay.
In March and April, the College hosted visiting delegations from Denmark, Sweden and Uruguay. Directors of education and school administrators from these countries gathered at the Toronto office to learn about the College’s mandate, investigations and hearings process, Ontario’s enhanced teacher education program and Additional Qualifications.