A snapshot of the arts scene in our schools.
By Steve Brearton
An illustrated infographic titled By The Numbers: Cultural Identity, a look at the arts scene in our schools by Steve Brearton. The infographic is divided into four sections.
The first section is called Prime Time and lists the following data for the recommended minimum minutes for core subjects per five-day elementary school cycle: Literacy and Language: 480 minutes. Math and Numeracy: 300 minutes. French as a Second Language: 120 minutes. Science and Technology: 100 minutes. Phys-Ed and Health: 100 minutes. Dance, Drama, Music and Visual Arts: 200 minutes.
The next section is titled Limited Edition and says, "$15 paid for Tom Thomson's Autumn Scene, gifted to Riverdale Collegiate in 1912. The 2010 value of this piece is $1.5 million. Robert Bateman taught high school for 20 years before becoming a full-time artist in 1976."
The next section is titled Pitch Perfect and lists the following data for the percentage of schools in Canada where music is taught by a specialist music teacher: 56% in Ontario. 69% in Saskatchewan. 69% in Manitoba. 74% in Alberta. 83% in British Columbia. 86% in Atlantic provinces. 87% in Quebec.
The next section is titled Centre Stage and says, "150 students in grades 6-12 are enrolled in full-time curriculum based studies at Canada's National Ballet School. In 2009 Dance became a stand-alone elementary subject, separate from phys-ed and drama".