Governing Ourselves
Governing Ourselves informs members of legal and regulatory matters affecting the profession. This section provides updates on licensing and qualification requirements, notification of Council resolutions and reports from various Council committees, including reports on accreditation and discipline matters.
Council Meetings
Council Summary — March 26–27, 2015
At its March 26–27, 2015 meeting, College Council:
- welcomed an address by Ontario Minister of Education Liz Sandals, who praised the College for championing the teaching profession and for its work to support recommendations out of the Jeffrey Baldwin inquest with respect to members’ duty to report suspicions of child abuse and neglect
- amended the guidelines for the compensation of Council members, roster members, members at large and institutional nominees effective July 1, 2015
- amended the accommodation section of the Council member travel policy effective July 1, 2015
- received a report from the Public Interest Committee that touched on topics such as professional development and currency, Temporary Letters of Approval, Letters of Permission, the development of professional advisories and the accreditation process. The committee will provide advice, where applicable, to Council in June
- approved amendments to the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation schedules to specify those subjects that are for teaching in English-language schools only or for teaching in French-language schools only
- recommended changing the name of the Native Studies AQ course to First Nations, Métis and Inuit Studies in Schedules A, D and E of the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation
- recommended changing the name of the Environmental Science/Environmental Studies AQ course to Environmental Education in Schedule D of the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulations
- appointed Matthew Kavanagh, OCT, as chair of the Election Committee
- approved guidelines to help Council members identify potential and actual conflicts of interest, bias and perceived bias
- amended College bylaws to specify the Finance Committee’s role to serve as the College’s Audit Committee to review the annual audit scope, audit fees and audit findings
- recommended amending the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation to allow internationally educated teachers who were formerly certified by a teacher regulatory authority outside of Canada to apply for certification
- amended the Election of Council Members regulation to replace the words “Election Committee” with “Governance Committee” and to extend the nomination review period to 10 days from five
- amended the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation to reflect changes required by the implementation of the Enhanced Teacher Education Program, such as permitting applicants who completed a one-year program prior to September 1, 2015, to use Schedule C AQs to satisfy a condition relating to insufficient program duration.