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At the College

Photos: Ontario College of Teachers (Professional Advisory and Visiting Delegations); Darren Goldstein (London Baby Show and Ontario Universities’ Fair)

A photo of a smiling College staff member greeting a baby and parents at the London Baby Expo.

Future Students

College staff greet visitors at the London Baby Expo in October. The College was there to inform parents about how it sets the standard for Ontario teachers.

A photo of College Chair Angela De Palma standing with a large delegation of teachers from the Netherlands.

Visiting Delegations

This fall, the College hosted visiting delegations from Korea, Holland, Denmark and Sweden, who were here to learn about the College’s mandate. (Chair Angela De Palma, OCT, left, with visiting teachers from the Netherlands.)

A photo of College Chair Angela De Palma standing at a podium in front of a packed room.

Future Teachers

Students at the Ontario Universities’ Fair visit the College booth to gather information on teacher education programs.

A photo of College Chair Angela De Palma standing at a podium in front of a packed room.

Professional Advisory Tour

Following the September release of its professional advisory, Duty to Report, the College hosted events in Toronto, Thunder Bay, Sudbury, Windsor, St. Catharines and Ottawa. (Chair Angela De Palma, OCT, discusses the reporting of child abuse and neglect at the Toronto launch.)

A photo of College staff holding a magazine up. There are two people looking at the magazine.

Spreading the Word

Book enthusiasts visit the College booth during Toronto’s The Word On The Street Festival in September, where they learned about how the College serves and protects the public interest