An illustrated infographic titled By The Numbers: The Results Are in! Insights from Professionally Speaking's 2016 reader survey by Steve Brearton. The infographic is divided into three sections.
The first section is titled Good Timing and says "69% of members read most or every issue of Professionally Speaking, this is a one percent increase from 2013. 53% spend about 30 to 60 minutes reading a single issue."
The next section is titled Reader's Choice and lists the following data for the top-6 articles you look for in every issue: 84% chose feature story. 80% chose Great Teaching profiles. 78% chose discipline summaries. 76% chose Remarkable Teacher profiles. 71% chose investigation committee case studies. 65% chose Tech Class.
The next section is titled Applied Learning and says, "Actions most frequently taken after reading an issue: 59% visited a website. 59% discussed content with a colleague. 54% kept the magazine for reference. 47% used an idea in the classroom."