This section provides updates on licensing and qualification requirements,
notification of Council resolutions and reports from various Council committees,
including reports on accreditation and discipline matters.
Council Meetings
At its meeting on May 30–31, 2019,
College Council:
welcomed newly appointed Council
member Nancy Saunders, OCT, to fill the vacant Northeast Region Part-Time/Full-Time position;
received a presentation from Nancy
Angevine-Sands, OCT, President,
With Equal Step, asking Council to
consider developing and accrediting
educational programs leading to
Additional Qualifications in family
accepted the December 31, 2018,
audited financial statements of the
Ontario College of Teachers, and
reappointed KPMG as College
auditors for 2019;
appointed Diane Ballantyne, OCT as
Chair of the Finance Committee for
the duration of the term of the
eighth Council, and as a member of
the Executive Committee;
adjusted the mandate of the Human
Resources Committee to focus on
managing the Registrar’s employment
relationship (hiring, performance
reviews, compensation) and strategic
HR matters such as diversity and
equity policies in bylaws;
approved selecting members of
committees focused on corporate
governance — Audit and Finance,
Governance and Nominating (GNC)
and Human Resources — from
Council members;
approved making the Quality
Assurance Committee a working
group of the College accountable
to the Registrar;
approved making the Editorial Board
a working group of the College
accountable to the Registrar;
directed the Chair of Council and
the Registrar to study and report
on governance culture to maintain a
healthy, respectful and professional
directed the Registrar to study and
report back on the College’s name
and whether it reflects the mission
and mandate of the organization;
directed the Registrar to develop
improved orientation programs for
new statutory and regulatory
committees in regulatory governance;
directed the Registrar to review the
College’s bylaws to identify changes
and report back to Council;
directed the Registrar to review
College membership records and
recommend the College’s Act be
amended to reflect a revised status
for College members who are in
default of the annual membership fee;
recommended that input solicited
from regional, linguistic, faith,
Indigenous and other demographic
groups be considered in the
selection process for Council and
committee members;
recommended establishing measures
and metrics to support Council
decision-making and resource
allocation focused on the interests
and well-being of Ontario’s students;
directed that the College continue
and enhance its initiatives to engage
the public and members, and report
on the improvement in understanding
of the College’s purpose;
adopted a mandatory governance
education program for Council, senior
staff and committee members;
directed that the Registrar’s
annual performance evaluation
be linked more explicitly to the
strategic priorities;
disbanded the Steering Committee
and agreed to give the Chair of
Council presiding officer
directed the Registrar to study and
report back to Council on the
recommendation to improve
discipline processes at the intake,
investigation and discipline stages
while maintaining fairness and equity
for complainants and members alike;
recommended maintaining rosters
to provide a pool of qualified
panellists to supplement committee
members, selected from pools of
qualified applicants who would have an equal voice and vote on panels;
directed the Registrar to track, monitor
and report on the effectiveness of the
complaint resolution process;
approved developing and using an
annual work plan for Council and
committees aligned with the
strategic priorities;
approved monitoring and reporting
on a diversity strategy for Council,
committees and staff;
appointed Joe Jamieson, OCT, as
interim College CEO and Registrar
for a year, beginning January 2020,
to temporarily replace CEO Michael
Salvatori, OCT, who is taking a
one-year leave;
directed that the Governance Committee
review and study Council-approved
recommendations governing
the future Council selection process, a
robust transparent process for future
committee membership, and the
process and tools for formal annual
reviews of the effectiveness of
Council, committees and chairs;
directed the Registrar to provide
Council, through the Chair, summaries
on the meetings being held
between the College and Ministry
staff between Council meetings;
appointed John Hamilton, OCT, as
Chair of the Discipline Committee
and to the Executive Committee for
the duration of the term of the
eighth Council; and
appointed Jonathan Rose to the
Executive Committee for the duration
of the term of the eighth Council.