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Letters to the Editor

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In the spirit of open conversation and to support an array of perspectives, Professionally Speaking welcomes letters to the editor. The opinions expressed in letters are solely those of the authors and should not be interpreted as the view of the College. We reserve the right to edit letters for length and clarity. Letters should be sent to, be in response to content in the magazine and include the writer's phone number and registration number.

What a joy to start my day reading this article

Great Teaching, June 2020 issue of Professionally Speaking.

A screen capture of the 'Great Teaching' article from Professionally Speaking, June 2020

This teacher (and her teacher before her) exemplify everything that a good teacher should be. How sad that so many teachers do not understand that establishing an environment of true mutual respect and caring is the cornerstone of successful teaching and learning. This teacher recognizes that she is not only an educator, but a parent, mentor, guide, social worker and, above all, a role model to her students. This is not only an article about excellence in teaching, but also a guide to good parenting and to all in any leadership position. Everyone, regardless of age, wants to be seen, acknowledged and appreciated with kindness.

Retired but still invested in learning,

Judith (Judy) Gould, OCT, was an environmental education teacher, Grades 4-8, with the Durham District School Board.