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From the Transition Supervisory Officer

A New Era

Get involved in serving the public interest.

By Paul Boniferro
PHoto: matthew plexman

Paul Boniferro, Transition Supervisory Officer.

You will agree that COVID-19 has turned our world upside down. We have been glued to the news and concerned for our loved ones as we adapt to the changes the global pandemic has brought to our homes, schools, workplaces, and to learning itself.

What's changing too is legislation that governs the way we protect the public interest and the students' interest, which are the College's main mandates.

The College is in a period of transition that will result in a new governance model by the end of this year. Once the changes are complete, the College will be able to operate more nimbly, more efficiently and more effectively.

Most importantly, it will allow an even greater level of member and public engagement in the critical role we play in student well-being and safety.

Phase 1 of our recruitment process for the College's transitional rosters of panellists is complete. We were pleased to see that hundreds of members of the profession and the public applied to continue the work of the College.

In this issue, you'll meet the professionals who have been appointed to adjudicate matters until a new Council, committees and rosters are established.

Phase 2 of our recruitment process will be underway in the fall. We invite you to keep an eye on notices about how to apply. The College will welcome applications from members of the College and the public to join our governing Council, the Accreditation, Accreditation Appeals, Discipline, Fitness to Practise, Investigation and Registration Appeals, and Standards of Practice and Education committees, as well as to our adjudicative rosters.

What's changing and what it means for the profession:

The changes will increase student protection and improve how the teaching profession is governed in Ontario. They also support what's happening around the world in board governance.

We are looking for people with sound judgment and the ability to listen well, to be objective and to make fair decisions for the good of the public. Is that you?

I encourage you to get involved in serving the public interest and to help shape the future of student safety and well-being.

Paul Boniferro's signature.