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Stats & Facts

By Melissa Campeau

Photo of Eleanor Newman.
Special Education tops the list of most popular AQs, followed by mathematics.

Most frequently taken aq courses in 2017

  1. Special Education, Part 1: 3,470
  2. Mathematics, Primary and Junior, Part 1: 3,006
  3. Teaching English Language Learners, Part 1: 1,721
  4. Special Education, Part 2: 1,566
  5. Kindergarten, Part 1: 1,401
  6. Religious Education in Catholic Schools, Part 1: 1,353
  7. Special Education, Specialist: 1,204
  8. Mathematics, Primary and Junior, Part 2: 1,002
  9. Guidance and Career Education, Part 1: 818
  10. Reading, Part 1: 797
QA accordées par année*
Total number of additional qualifications awarded annually*
Membres possédant la qualification de direction d’école (par genre)*
Members with principal qualifications (by gender)*
Membres possédant la qualification d’agente ou d’agent de supervision (par genre)*
Members with supervisory officer qualifications (by gender)*

*Source: Ontario College of Teachers 2016 Annual Report