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From the Transition Supervisory Officer

Governance Recruitment

College welcomes a positive and enthusiastic response.

By Paul Boniferro
PHoto: Matthew Plexman

Paul Boniferro, Transition Supervisory Officer.

In my last column, I asked if you were a leader who wants to be more involved in your profession. Well, I got my answer.

A total of 648 Ontario Certified Teachers (OCTs) and members of the public filed applications for positions on our next Council, committees and rosters. This is a significant increase from the 69 eligible nominations received for the 2018 Council election.

The willingness to participate demonstrates a keen interest in stepping into a leadership role to govern the profession in the public interest.

Future Council, committee and roster members will be appointed based on specified selection and eligibility criteria needed to do the job, and will be reflective of the geographic, linguistic and diverse perspectives within Ontario.

All individuals will begin their term on January 1, 2022, with a series of orientation and training sessions.

A first in 25 years

For the first time in the College's 25-year history, there will be an equal number of licensees and members of the public on Council, and on statutory and regulatory committees.

The individuals who serve on Council, the committees or a roster are bringing their perspectives and experience to the decision-making process that will help shape Ontario's teaching profession.

We look forward to working with a record number of OCTs and members of the public to govern the profession to support student safety and well-being.

Why governance matters

Much like accounting, nursing and engineering, teaching is a regulated profession. Only licensed professionals — Ontario Certified Teachers — can teach in the province's publicly funded elementary and secondary schools.

In Ontario, there are more than two million students attending these schools. The College's governing Council and committees ensure the College meets its mandate of protecting students.

Each committee will require members with specialized skills and experience. For example, members of the Standards of Practice and Education Committee should have the ability to evaluate teacher education policies and practice standards, and to consider their impact on the public interest.

A commitment to serve is for two years and may be renewed for up to six consecutive years.

The new governance structure provides greater opportunities for yourself, and other members of the profession, to become involved in the work of the College through serving on panel rosters, committees and Council.

I strongly encourage you to continue looking for future recruitment opportunities at the College.

Paul Boniferro's signature.