Membership fee rolls back to $104 | First Atkinson Scholarship winner revels in her first classroom | 2004 Atkinson Scholarship | New Council Members | Team to review teaching qualifications | Investigations | Dispute Resolution Program | Discipline Panel Decisions

Membership fee rolls back to $104

The College Council has voted unanimously to lower the 2005 annual membership fee to $104, the fee that members paid in 2002.

"Members have told us that rolling back the membership fee is a priority for them, and the College has responded," said Council Chair Marilyn Laframboise, after the vote.

"When we raised the fee in 2003 we explained to members that the higher fee was necessary to cover administrative costs of the Professional Learning Program. With the end of the program, members also expected to see an end to the higher fee."

Over the last two years the College accumulated excess revenue in a fee stabilization reserve in order to avoid or minimize future fee increases.

"We certainly hope to maintain the fee at $104 for three years as we begin to draw down that reserve," said Laframboise.

"I can assure you that we will continue to be creative and innovative in carrying out our responsibilities to the teaching profession and to the public interest," she said. "The Council will look carefully at operating requirements when budgets are presented in order to make up-to-date determinations about the continued viability of the $104 fee."

In recent years the College has assumed responsibility for accrediting pre-service and in-service teacher education programs, has introduced online fee payment, developed online registration for Ontario-educated teachers, initiated annual member and beginning teacher surveys, and created a Members' Area of the College web site that provides members with online services 24 hours a day.

"We have managed these developments within the available resources," said Registrar and Chief Executive Officer Doug Wilson. "College staff will continue to look for low-cost ways to respond to emerging needs from our members."

Co-ordinator for French-language services

Francophone members of the College will be assured that their concerns are heard at the College's senior levels following the decision of College Council to create the position of Co-ordinator of French-Language Services.

Council made the decision at the September 30 to October 1 meeting. Council Chair Marilyn Laframboise said, "It is important that francophone stakeholders feel comfortable expressing themselves in their own language with a French-speaking senior-level staff member who understands the realities and challenges within the French-language education community.''

"When the College makes a decision or a recommendation to Council or to the Ministry of Education, it should include the perspectives of francophone members,'' says College Registrar Doug Wilson.

The recommendation followed four months of consultation with French-language stakeholder groups on the range of services offered by the College and challenges faced within the French-language education systems. For job posting, click here.

New guidelines

Final course guidelines available for

  • Co-operative Education
  • Guidance
  • Science in Primary and Junior Education.

For details visit Additional Qualifications.

Input requested on AQs

Members are invited to participate in the review of various Additional Qualification course guidelines.

Please refer to the draft guidelines and feedback forms at Additional Qualifications. Click on the appropriate course - the form is at the end of the document.

Complete the feedback form and forward it by e-mail to Déirdre Smith, Manager, Standards of Practice and Education Unit at