Reference sitesThe Canadian Encyclopediawww.thecanadianencyclopedia.comFind the Canadian Encyclopedia, Junior Encyclopedia of Canada, articles, games and a timeline of Canadian and world events. The search feature and subject index - top right of the home page - are most useful, with front-page and left navigation links to general information. The Free Dictionarywww.thefreedictionary.comAccess almost everything reference-based: dictionaries, encyclopedias, a thesaurus, acronyms, idioms and a literature reference library. Key a word into the search field for its definition, along with literary and web references. Online Newspaperswww.onlinenewspapers.comThis site has a link to Canadian newspapers plus 16 drop-down menus broken into North America, United Kingdom, Europe, South/Central America, Asia/Asia Pacific/South East Asia, Middle East, West Indies and South Pacific. Bartlebywww.bartleby.comA virtual treasure trove, Bartleby.com is home to Roget's thesauruses, multiple encyclopedias, fact books, quotation sources and style guides. Do a simple word search or browse alphabetically. The drop-down search option provides approximately 60 sources; navigation is at the top of the page. Canadian Atlaseswww.canadiangeographic.caWhere in Canada is Waldo? Track him down with this atlas from Canadian Geographic. Go to Maps - tucked away on the right side. This leads to a database of interactive atlases and lesson plans (see Learning Centre). CG Kids Atlas, from the home page is filled with fun information for younger kids. Internet Public Librarywww.ipl.orgAt the Internet Public Library, click on Ready Reference for almanacs, calculation and conversion tools, census and demographic information, grammars, periodical directories, style guides and much more. Librarians' Internet Indexlii.orgThe Librarians' Internet Index contains tens of thousands of vetted entries maintained by librarians and organized into 14 main topics and nearly 300 related topics. You can subscribe to a free weekly newsletter featuring dozens of high-quality web sites, carefully selected by a team of librarians. Additional ResourcesENO Curriculinks: Special Education Resources TeacherVision.com Gifted Education and Special Education Lesson Plans and Resources Kinder Art ProTeacher Special Needs Discussion Groups School Psychology Resources Online American Teachers Special Education Resources National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities About.com - Behavior and Emotional Disabilities The Behavour Page Lesson PlansTeacher Resource Center Chalkface Internet Resource for Special Children Parent Pals Education World Autism Society Ontario Not all sites are available in both English and French. For additional sites or for French sites related to this topic, visit Cyberespace. Lynda Scarrow is the College's web editor. She can be reached at lscarrow@oct.ca. |