Professionally Speaking is a quarterly magazine (March, June, September, December) for professionals working in the field of education. We look for articles of 1,100 to 1,400 words. We do accept shorter and, very occasionally, longer ones. Articles are aimed at the intelligent, engaged reader interested in a range of ideas, activities and experiences in schools and the teaching profession - primarily, but not exclusively, in Ontario. The article should be written in plain language for a general teaching audience. For style, we recommend that prospective writers take a look at feature articles in the Globe and Mail or other well-written newspapers. Elements characteristic of academic journals - footnotes, endnotes, abstracts, bibliographic information - are not used. Any information considered essential should be written into the body of the article. The best way for writers to understand what the magazine is looking for is to read a few of the most recent copies. The full text of all issues of Professionally Speaking is archived here. Articles must be submitted in text format only by e-mail or on disk. The deadline for each issue is generally two months in advance of publication. All submissions to the College magazine are reviewed by our editorial board, which is responsible for selecting the articles that are published. We normally receive more than twice as much material as we can use. All materials accepted for consideration are edited for length and style. You may contact Professionally Speaking with story ideas via e-mail at ps@oct.ca. |