Members contributions are invaluable as our
profession constantly re-evaluates and works to improve our professional self-governing
body. The recent Annual General Meeting was the focus for many worthwhile questions and
We all welcome the infusion of talent and energy as
younger colleagues join the profession, but the sudden and massive surge in retirements
creates its own stresses on an already overburdened system.
Pleasure of Thinking
Mathematics is much more than a set of tricks for
coming up with the right answer. It can also be a source of intellectual growth. But
teachers who hate math are more likely to transmit their fear or disinterest to their
students than an interest in mathematical reasoning.
New Grades 18 Science and
Technology is a
Teachers Curriculum
This month, Ontario elementary schools begin
teaching the new Science and Technology curriculum. The principal authors of the documents
that led to this curriculum say the involvement of more than 300 teachers in the process
make them confident that all Ontario students can meet the new expectations and that the
provinces teachers, if properly supported, can provide appropriate teaching for
College Members Explore the Question,
"What Does it Mean to be a Teacher?"
Sault Ste. Marie, Oakville, LOrignal,
London, Kingston, North Bay, Toronto, Windsor, Brantford, Waterloo, Clinton, Timmins...
the journey to standards of practice has taken the College to every corner of the
Brain-Based Teaching
Teachers are applying research on how the
brain learns to their practice with Brain Gym, pulse learning, mindmaps, water bottles on
desks and lots of encouragement for their students.
Blue Pages
College bulletins and need-to-know
Zlata Study Group
Elementary students and their university
student mentors both learn in this novel extracurricular academic project.
Programs That Help Violent Kids
The effects of universal programs in schools
are small but apply to a large number of children. Parents and teachers alike reported
decreases in disruptive behaviour.
Teaching in French in Northern Ontario
Teachers in northern Ontario face many
challenges long-distance travel, scarce resources and professional development
opportunities, numerous courses to prepare and if they teach in French the
added difficulty of getting students to speak French.
Preparing Ontario's Teachers
three Ontario universities in pilot project accredited. The single most important
indicator of childrens learning is the ability of the teacher," Linda
Darling-Hammond of Columbia University said recently. "We used to think that student
success was based solely on student ability. Now we know that successful student
achievement is a result of teaching ability and student effort."
TVOntario has a history of delivering innovative and
exciting educational programs. Now its adding multimedia and the Internet to its
toolbox, taking Ontarios educational system where no broadcaster has gone before.
What You Know...
For award-winning poet and teacher John B. Lee,
its writing about hockey, history, the Beatles, hard work and an enduring love of
the land.
Canada's Coming of Age
Les arbres... c'est
Child's World of
Science & Technology
Pour une théorie de
la pédagogie
Reshaping High School
Including Exceptional
Students |