Summary – October 1–2, 2007
At its October 1–2 meeting, College Council:
- Approved the 2008 College budget with operating revenues of $28,030,000, operating expenses of $29,519,000 and capital and deferred charges of $1,098,000.
- Established an ad hoc committee to report to Council by March 27, 2008 on a plan to stabilize long-term facility costs.
- Considered the creation of a professional designation for teachers and asked that the Registrar report at the March 27–28, 2008 Council meeting on possible designations, criteria for use, implementation and enforcement, budget considerations, a consultation plan and legislative implications.
- Amended the guidelines for compensation of Council members to include preparation time for all statutory, standing and special committees and panels. The Chair of a committee, in consultation with the Registrar, will approve preparation time based on the actual meeting agenda and associated materials.
- Approved a protocol for Council member observation at College-sponsored focus groups.
- Amended and approved in principle the Council members’ travel policy. The Registrar was asked to review the personal meal expenses section and report to Council at its December meeting on the option of moving to a per diem payment for some meals.
- Amended wording in the French version of the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession bylaw 32:01 (d) to read: “Les membres encouragent la création de communautés d’apprentissage dans un milieu sécuritaire où règnent collaboration et appui, et y participent.”
- Amended the Ethical Practices for the Teaching Profession bylaw 32:02 to read: “The following are hereby prescribed as the ethical standards for the teaching profession: Intrinsic to the ethical standard of Respect are trust and fair-mindedness.”
- Appointed John Tucker as Chair of the Finance Committee.
- Agreed to include at least one French-speaking Council member as an observer to any future College-sponsored French focus groups.