Council Meeting

Summary - September 25-26, 2008

At its September 25–26 meeting, College Council:

  • appointed Alison (Engemann) Morawek as the English-Language Roman Catholic Board Elementary member to replace Tianna Travaglini-Babic, who resigned from Council in July. Morawek finished second in this category in the 2006 Council election.
  • reviewed an ad hoc committee report on strategy to enhance the quality of College relationships with College members and partners and resolved to:
    • have the Registrar prepare a report for Council clarifying the College’s mandate
    • have the ad hoc committee meet with Ontario Teachers’ Federation (OTF) representatives to identify strategies to enhance the College-OTF relationship
    • have the ad hoc committee identify ways to enhance communication with and educate members via the College’s web site, Professionally Speaking and other means
  • decided to create a roster of panellists for the Registration Appeals Committee
  • endorsed a Human Resources Committee recommendation to enable non-teacher College staff to join the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) pension plan
  • approved the 2009 budget of the Ontario College of Teachers with operating revenues of $32,338,000, operating expenses of $31,611,000 and capital and deferred charges of $1,397,000
  • approved bylaw changes to:
    • set members’ annual fee for 2009 at $120 and allow for amendment as required
    • set the application fee for a Certificate of Registration at $140
    • set a fee of $130 for members to reinstate their membership following suspension
    • set $72 as the maximum any member must pay for duplicates of College documents, based on a single document charge of $24
  • approved granting a professional designation to all members at their initial registration and its continued use so long as the member remains in good standing with the College
  • directed the Registrar to register the professional designation under federal trademark legislation, to request that the Minister of Education amend the Ontario College of Teachers Act and to develop a communication and implementation plan
  • approved amendments to the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation to broaden the leadership experience requirements for those applying for supervisory officer positions and to specify that teaching experience needed to apply must be gained in the classroom
  • approved the policy intent for the development of a regulation on registration standards, practices and procedures
  • directed the Registrar to complete further study on the orientation program for applicants who complete their teacher education outside Ontario and prepare a report to Council with recommendations for the March 2009 Council meeting
  • approved proposals to amend the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation to:
    • identify certificates issued by the Registrar as Certificates of Qualification and Registration with terms, limitations and conditions where necessary, and, in the case of those enrolled in sessional programs of professional education, as transitional Certificates of Qualification and Registration with terms, limitations and conditions where necessary
    • remove the one-school-year teaching requirement between sessions for teacher candidates enrolled in multi-session programs for persons of Native ancestry preparing to teach in the primary and junior divisions or preparing to teach technological studies or a Native language or to teach in the French-language school system
    • specifically state that teacher candidates enrolled in multi-session programs complete a supervised practicum
    • remove the requirement to teach successfully for one school year as a condition of certification for teachers educated outside Ontario.

These policy directions will be drafted into regulatory language through consultation with the Ministry of Education. Council will review and consider the regulation for approval at a future meeting.

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