Governing Ourselves

Governing Ourselves informs members of legal and regulatory matters affecting the profession. This section provides updates on licensing and qualification requirements, notification of Council resolutions and reports from various Council committees, including reports on accreditation and discipline matters.

Your Council At Work

Council committees

When a new Council sits for the first time, Council members each volunteer to serve on two or three committees. Committees meet about four times a year, but the work of some committees — Investigation, Discipline, Fitness to Practise, Accreditation, Registration Appeals — requires members to also serve on panels or subcommittees that meet as required and involve a considerably greater time commitment. All committees consist of members both elected (e) by College members and appointed (a) by the provincial government to Council.

These are the committees of the sixth College Council.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee conducts the business of the College between Council meetings. It is composed of the Chair and Vice-Chair of Council and the chairs of the Accreditation, Discipline, Finance, Fitness to Practise, Investigation, Registration Appeals, and Standards of Practice and Education committees. The members are:

Left to right:
Liz Papadopoulos, OCT (e) (Chair)
Marc Dubois, OCT (e) (Vice-Chair)
Marie-Louise Chartrand (a)
Gale Dores, OCT (e)
Bill Kirkwood (a)
Terry Price, OCT (e)
Louis Sloan, OCT (e)
John Tucker (a)

Accreditation Committee

The Accreditation Committee ensures the quality of teacher education programs in Ontario through the regular review and accreditation of these programs. The members are:

Left to right:
Bill Kirkwood (a) (Chair)
Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT (a)
Angela De Palma, OCT (e) (Vice-Chair)
Gale Dores, OCT (e)
Clyde Glasgow (a)
Mel Greif (a)
Allyn Janicki, OCT (e)
Matthew Kavanagh, OCT (e)
Kara Smith, OCT (e)

Accreditation Appeal Committee

The Accreditation Appeal Committee hears appeal applications from teacher education providers that have been denied accreditation or who have been awarded accreditation with conditions. The members are:

Left to right:
Marie-Louise Chartrand (a) (Chair)
Monika Ferenczy, OCT (e)
Robert Gagné (a)
Myreille Loubert, OCT (e)
Demetri Vacratsis, OCT (e) (Vice-Chair)

Discipline Committee

The Discipline Committee considers allegations of incompetence and professional misconduct that are referred to it by the Investigation Committee and sometimes by the Executive Committee. The members are:

Left to right:
John Tucker (a) (Chair)
Danny Anckle (a)
Alexander (Sandy) Bass, OCT (e)
Christine Bellini, OCT (e)
Irene Dembek, OCT (e)
Monika Ferenczy, OCT (e) (Vice-Chair)
Robert Gagné (a)
Mel Greif (a)
Vicki Shannon, OCT (e)
Louis Sloan, OCT (e)
Pauline Smart (a)
Wes Vickers, OCT (e)

Editorial Board

The Editorial Board is responsible for setting editorial and advertising policy for Professionally Speaking, the College’s official publication, and for approving the magazine’s contents. The members are:

Left to right:
Christine Bellini, OCT (e) (Chair)
Monika Ferenczy, OCT (e) (Vice-Chair)
Danny Anckle (a)
Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT (a)
Kara Smith, OCT (e)

Election Committee

The Election Committee reviews the regulations and procedures governing Council elections with a view to increase member and voter participation. The members are:

Left to right:
Mel Greif (a) (Chair)
Ahmed Bouragba, OCT (e)
Maria Bouwmeester, OCT (e)
Robert Gagné (a)
Matthew Kavanagh, OCT (e) (Vice-Chair)

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee reviews both short-term and long-term budget plans and reports on spending and revenue in relation to the approved budget. The members are:

Left to right:
Marie-Louise Chartrand (a) (Chair)
Terry Price, OCT (e)
Vicki Shannon, OCT (e)
Pauline Smart (a)

Fitness to Practise Committee

The Fitness to Practise Committee hears matters relating to incapacity and determines if a member’s physical or mental condition makes them unfit to carry out professional responsibilities or if a member’s teaching certificate should be made subject to terms, conditions or limitations. The members are:

Left to right:
Louis Sloan, OCT (e) (Chair)
Ahmed Bouragba, OCT (e)
Shabnum Budhwani (a)
Marie-Louise Chartrand (a)
Angela De Palma, OCT (e)
Bill Kirkwood (a)
Shanlee Linton, OCT (e) (Vice-Chair)

Human Resources Committee

The Human Resources Committee provides ongoing advice to the Registrar and Council on human resources policies and programs. The members are:

Left to right:
John Tucker (a) (Chair)
Marc Dubois, OCT (e)
Robert Gagné (a)
Liz Papadopoulos, OCT (e)
Wes Vickers, OCT (e) (Vice-Chair)

Investigation Committee

The Investigation Committee receives and investigates complaints about College members related to professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity. The members are:

Left to right:
Terry Price, OCT (e) (Chair)
Maria Bouwmeester, OCT (e)
Monique Châteauvert (a)
Clyde Glasgow (a)
Jacqueline Gray, OCT (e) (Vice-Chair)
Myreille Loubert, OCT (e)
Mary Lou Mackie, OCT (e)
Liz Papadopoulos, OCT (e)
Susan Robertson (a)

Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee identifies, informs and proposes people to serve as Council chair and vice-chair and as members and chairs of all Council committees. The members are:

Left to right:
Danny Anckle (a) (Chair)
Alexander (Sandy) Bass, OCT (e)
Ahmed Bouragba, OCT (e)
Monique Châteauvert (a)
Irene Dembek, OCT (e) (Vice-Chair)
Marc Dubois, OCT (e)
John Tucker (a)

Quality Assurance Committee

The Quality Assurance Committee assesses the College’s progress in meeting its legislated objectives. The members are:

Left to right:
Clyde Glasgow (a) (Chair)
Bill Kirkwood (a) (Vice-Chair)
Liz Papadopoulos, OCT (e)
Louis Sloan, OCT (e)

Registration Appeals Committee

The Registration Appeals Committee hears appeals from applicants who have not been granted membership in the College or who have had restrictions placed on their teaching licence. The members are:

Left to right:
Marc Dubois, OCT (e) (Chair)
Alexander (Sandy) Bass, OCT (e) (Vice-Chair)
Jean-Luc Bernard, OCT (a)
Monique Châteauvert (a)
Kara Smith, OCT (e)

Standards of Practice and Education

The Standards of Practice and Education Committee advises College Council on the development, implementation and review of the ethical and practice standards and the professional learning framework. The members are:

Left to right:
Gale Dores, OCT (e) (Chair)
Shabnum Budhwani (a)
Dobi-Dawn Frenette (a)
Clyde Glasgow (a)
Jacqueline Gray, OCT (e)
Allyn Janicki, OCT (e)
Shanlee Linton, OCT (e)
Susan Robertson (a) (Vice-Chair)
Demetri Vacratsis, OCT (e)