May 1997

In this Issue

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Welcome to Professionally Speaking

Ontario’s teachers are a diverse and interesting group. We hope your new magazine reflects that. Professionally Speaking is a key part of the College of Teachers’ commitment to communicating with our members and the public. Teachers in Ontario will receive the magazine as a benefit of their membership in the College.

Your College will Honour Teachers’
Knowledge and Expertise

You will see your Council working actively with teachers - respecting their knowledge, honouring their expertise, honouring what they are - while at the same time setting professional standards and dealing with the ethical issues that protect the public. To put it simply, we’re planning from the very beginning to ask teachers to assess the programs they’re subjected to.

Boom, Bust & Teachers

Canada’s population is growing older. That has important implications for the public education system. Statistics Canada’s projections for the next 10 years show a decline in the number of children nine and younger and only a small increase in those aged 10 to 14. This is the inevitable result of the aging of the baby boom, the one-third of the Canadian population born between 1947 and 1966.

Professional Affairs

Even when he’s sitting still, Joe Atkinson looks like he’s in motion. He radiates enthusiasm for teaching. And as he lays the groundwork for sweeping changes in the profession, he has a message for educators. "We haven’t done a good job of telling the public what we do well. A big part of our job here at the College is to change that."

The Blue Pages

A miscellany of College news and bulletins. Do not adjust your monitor, the "blue" exists only in the printed version of Professionally Speaking.

Council Orientation

One of Ontario’s most respected educators told the Governing Council they’ll get the Ontario College of Teachers launched on the right track if they focus on the licence to teach. Also, advice from other professional bodies.


NetWatch is Professionally Speaking’s Internet column where popular and lesser-known web sites are reviewed. As well, the latest developments on the College’s own web site - where you are right now - are also highlighted.


Read book and software reviews by teachers for teachers. In this edition, HyperStudio, KidPix, and the book "Rethinking Educational Change with Heart and Mind".

College FAQs

Membership Services answer some frequently asked questions.


Professional development news and calendar of upcoming events.