Editorial BoardAnnilee Jarvis, OCT (Chair) PublisherRichard Lewko EditorPhilip Carter Managing EditorJoyce Mason Associate EditorVéronique Ponce Photography and Editorial ProductionLeata Lekushoff ReviewsWendy Harris (English); Laurence Bogner (French) TranslationJulie Fournel; Caroline Fredericks; Véronique Ponce; Marie-Josée Roy Print ProductionLeata Lekushoff ContributorsNadira Baksh, OCT; Gabrielle Barkany, OCT; Bonnie Beldan-Thomson; Michael Benedict; Nina Boccia; Lois Browne; Dorothea Bryant, OCT; Rosemarie Chapman, OCT; Ian Crysler; Connie D’Souza, OCT; Helen Dolik; Everett Collection/The Canadian Press; Stuart Foxman; Rena Ginsberg; Olivia Hamilton; Bill Harris; Sandra Jack-Malik; Brian Jamieson; Joanne Knight, OCT; Olivia Krowicka; Lynn Latulippe, OCT; Leata Lekushoff; Chadwick Low, OCT; Kate Lushington; Ken MacKinnon, OCT; Andrew MacNaughtan; Stephanie McLean; Leanne Miller, OCT; Jenna Narine, OCT; Liz Papadopoulos, OCT; Dianne Paquette, OCT; Matthew Plexman; Wyley Powell; Michael Reist, OCT; Michael Salvatori, OCT; Lynda Scarrow; Mary Shaughnessy, OCT; André Van Vugt; Kerry Walford; Jon Waller; Jennifer Wyatt, OCT CirculationKerry Walford Art Direction, Design and ProductionRadonicRodgers design+marketing Cover ConceptHahn Smith Design AddressProfessionally Speaking AdvertisingDovetail Communications Inc. The College is the self-regulating professional body for Ontario teachers. Membership is open to anyone qualified to teach in the province and required to maintain an Ontario teaching certificate. The College is responsible to the public and the profession for ensuring teachers receive the training they need to provide Ontario's students with an excellent education now and in the future. It sets standards of practice and learning for teachers and accredits teacher education programs and providers. The College regulates teaching qualifications, investigates complaints involving members and takes appropriate disciplinary action. College CouncilChairLiz Papadopoulos, OCT Vice-ChairRuth Ann Penny, OCT MembersDanny Anckle; Alexander (Sandy) Bass, OCT; Gabrielle Blais; Carlo Cappello, OCT ; Monique Châteauvert; Irene Dembek, OCT; Gale Dores, OCT; Marc Dubois, OCT; Martha Dutrizac, OCT; Dean Favero, OCT; Nick Forte, OCT; Dobi-Dawn Frenette; E. Clyde Glasgow; Mel Greif; Brent Hamelin, OCT; Garry Humphreys; Annilee Jarvis, OCT; Peter Joong, OCT; Bill Kirkwood; Anne Marie Levesque; Clint Lovell, OCT; Bill Matheson; Darlene Mead, OCT; Terry Price, OCT; Tanya Roberts, OCT; Susan Robertson; Robert Ryan, OCT; Pauline Smart; Mara Torcaso, OCT; Jacques Tremblay, OCT; John Tucker; Henry Tyndorf, OCT; Hanno Weinberger, OCT; Sharon Young Kipp, OCT RegistrarMichael Salvatori, OCT Deputy RegistrarLise Roy-Kolbusz, OCT DirectorsFrancine Dutrisac, OCT, French-Language Services Do you know someone – a parent, student or friend – interested
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