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Governing Ourselves

eVOTE 2006


eVOTE 2006: Structural change | Upcoming election | College mandate | Q & As | Council duties | Provisional calendar | Candidates' tour | Council responsibilities

Reports: 2005 Annual Report Highlights | Certification | Council | Accreditation | Investigations | Dispute Resolution | Hearings

Council Member

Danny Anckle

Youth advocate Danny Anckle was appointed to Council for a two-year term on March 1, 2006. Anckle has spent 19 years in community and organizational development in Toronto.

Since November 2005 he has been the Executive Director of Central Neighbourhood House, a community-based, multi-service agency in downtown east Toronto.

Anckle was born in London, England and immigrated to Canada in 1991. He has volunteered for and worked with a number of child and youth organizations. His focus is on marginalized communities, including children, families and youth at risk around issues of access, equity, anti-racism and diversity.

Anckle holds a Child and Youth Work diploma from George Brown College and is completing a certificate in Volunteer Sector Management at Ryerson University.

Council meeting

Summary – March 2006

At its March 30th and 31st meeting, College Council

  • voted to recommend to the next College Council that a facilitated strategic planning exercise be undertaken, as soon as possible after the new Council is elected this fall, to determine high-level guiding policies for the College, such as purpose (or mission) and direction
  • directed that all discussions between the College and Ministry of Education staff regarding the clarification of the College's election regulation be attended by the College Chair and/or Vice-Chair
  • decided that 2007 and subsequent College budget reports will include a document that provides supplementary budget schedules for revenue and expense lines and an explanation of staff allocation, and that briefing sessions will be held for Council members prior to Finance Committee members recommending a budget to Council in September
  • accepted the December 31, 2005 Consolidated Financial Statements of the Ontario College of Teachers with revenue of $26,407,000 and expenditures of $25,702,000
  • approved Finance Committee recommendations to set the Reserve for Stabilization of Facility costs at $2 million, the Reserve for Fee Stabilization at $6,567,000 and establish $5,506,000 as the Reserve for Working Capital
  • approved that the Unappropriated account be set at $500,000
  • reappointed Price Waterhouse Coopers as the College auditors for the 2006 fiscal year
  • asked the Executive Committee to study and report back to Council on proposed next steps for a program to build respect for the teaching profession.

Next meeting

A special meeting of Council to consider regulatory amendments related to the introduction of Bill 78 is scheduled for May 18. The next regular meeting of Council will be held June 8 and 9. Council agreed to hold a special meeting concerning the election and set a tentative date of July 6.