Professionally SpeakingThe Magazine of the Ontario College of Teachers
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In this issue





Governing Ourselves



Reports: Annual Report | Council Meeting | Appointments | Change in Evaluation | Investigations | Dispute Resolution | Hearings

dispute resolution

The College uses Dispute Resolution (DR) to facilitate the resolution of suitable complaints regarding members of the profession. DR is voluntary and without prejudice to the parties. The results of the DR process are similar to those that would be expected following a full investigation and/or contested hearing.

The members in the cases reported here have consented to the publication of a summary of the complaint and its resolution.

Member: Not identified
Decision: Cautioned by the Investigation Committee

Following notification by an employer, the Registrar initiated a complaint against a member of the College. The Registrar alleged that while employed as an elementary teacher, the member made inappropriate comments to students, including joking with them and calling them questionable names.

On January 26, 2007, the Investigation Committee ratified a memorandum of agreement (MOA) between the member and the College, in which the member agreed to be cautioned, in writing, by the Investigation Committee.

Member: Not identified
Decision: Admonished by the Investigation Committee

ollowing notification by an employer, the Registrar initiated a complaint against a member of the College. The Registrar alleged that the member, an elementary teacher:

  • hugged one or more students
  • held hands with one or more students
  • accessed inappropriate Internet sites on the classroom computer.

On January 26, 2006, the Investigation Committee ratified an MOA between the member and the College, in which the member:

  • admitted the alleged conduct
  • agreed to be admonished, in writing, by the Investigation Committee
  • agreed to complete a course of instruction, pre-approved by the Registrar, regarding maintaining appropriate boundaries with students
  • agreed to provide the Registrar with a written report, prepared by the course practitioner, indicating whether the member recognized the need for teachers to establish and maintain appropriate student/teacher boundaries
  • agreed to notify the Registrar of any complaints of a similar nature made to his employer
  • agreed to a notation being placed on the public register.

When the Discipline Committee finds a member guilty of professional misconduct the member's name is routinely published in Professionally Speaking. If a similar matter is disposed of by the Investigation Committee or DR at the investigation stage, and the result is a caution, the name of the member is not published. The College monitors compliance with all agreements reached through DR.