May 1997

Welcome to Professionally Speaking
From the Publisher


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Front Page ...

By Richard Lewko

Ontario’s teachers are a diverse and interesting group. We hope your new magazine reflects that.

Professionally Speaking is a key part of the College of Teachers’ commitment to communicating with our members and the public. Teachers in Ontario will receive the magazine as a benefit of their membership in the College.

Our aim is to engage teachers in discussion and debate on a wide range of issues that interest educators. This issue features a guest column by Daniel Stoffman, co-author of the very popular non-fiction bestseller Boom, Bust & Echo, which will likely stimulate some lively staff room conversations and maybe some letters or articles for future issues.

Your letters, reviews and articles are more than welcome - in English or French. We’re counting on teachers across Ontario to make sure that your magazine reflects the ideas, experience and energy of the profession.

We’ve tried to make the magazine as user-friendly as possible. In every issue, you’ll find the need-to-know information for Ontario teachers in the Blue Pages.

In this issue, you can turn to the Blue Pages for information about College fees, election results, certification updates and how to contact the College’s Membership Services department. The Blue Pages in future issues will inform you about regulation changes that affect you and report on committee decisions.

PS at the back of the magazine is a collection of short news items about professional development and a calendar of professional events. Once again, your contributions to these regular features are welcome.

As you read Professionally Speaking, you will notice that wherever possible we direct you to further information posted on the College web site at For some short articles, you’ll be able to find detailed background posted on the web.

While Professionally Speaking and official College publications will be available on the web in both English and French, longer background documents posted on the web for your interest can only be posted in their original language - either English or French.

Welcome to the Ontario College of Teachers and Professionally Speaking. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.

Richard Lewko is Executive Co-ordinator of the Ontario College of Teachers and publisher of Professionally Speaking. You can contact the magazine by e-mail at , by fax at (416) 961-8822 or by writing to The Editor, Professionally Speaking, Ontario College of Teachers, 121 Bloor Street East, 6th Floor, Toronto ON M4W 3M5.