Reviewing Our Standards


Teachers in Ontario were among the first in Canada to develop standards of practice and ethical standards for the teaching profession. The standards convey a collective vision of teaching in Ontario.

Now, four years after these standards were developed, the Ontario College of Teachers is undertaking their review to ensure that they continue to accurately reflect the evolving nature of the teaching profession.

This review will address many questions: What are the multiple ways in which the standards are reflected in teachers' daily practice? To what extent do the standards adequately describe all aspects of teachers' work? To what extent do they reflect the values and dignity of the teaching profession? To what extent do teachers recognize themselves in these standards?

Whether touching on how teachers inspire their students or how they encourage understanding and learning in their students, the standards of practice for the teaching profession define what it means to be a teacher. There are five published standards of practice. They relate to students and learning, professional knowledge, teaching practice, leadership and the community, and ongoing professional learning.

The ethical standards describe professional values and responsibilities. These provide an important foundation for pre-service teacher education programs and in-service teacher education courses and programs, as well as for the ongoing professional learning of experienced educators.

For this review of the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession and the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession, the College wants feedback from its members, education partners and the public. We have developed multiple means of inviting this input, including questionnaires, study groups and consultations that are planned for the coming year.

We begin the consultation by inviting you to respond to a brief questionnaire - available on our web site and inserted in the centre of the latest edition of Professionally Speaking.

If you are not familiar with the existing standards of practice or the ethical standards or if you need to refresh your memory, you will find them on the College web site.

Your input is vital.

By sharing your experience in relation to the standards of practice, you help us to accurately and clearly describe the knowledge, values and skills reflected in everyday effective practice. Please respond today.

For further information or to take part in other aspects of this review, contact Déirdre Smith, Manager, Standards of Practice and Education at or telephone 416-961-8800 (1-888-534-2222).