<i>Professionally Speaking</i>The Magazine of the Ontario College of Teachers
(eVote 2006 logo)


From the Chair

Registrar's Report

Changing Times



Council Members

eVote 2006

Council Members: Oath of Office | Attestation

council members

Oath of office

Members elected or appointed to Council will now be required to swear or affirm an oath of office before taking their seat.

The new requirement is one of a number of amendments to Regulation 72/97 requested by the Minister and approved by Council at a special meeting May 18, and recently approved by the provincial government.

If a person elected or appointed to Council fails to take the oath of office, they will not be permitted to take their seat on Council. The College will make a Commissioner of Oaths available to swear in new Council members.

The oath to be sworn or affirmed is:

I will faithfully and impartially, to the best of my knowledge and skill, perform the duties of a member of the Council of the College and any committee of the Council on which I sit.

In doing so, I will ensure that the guiding principle in the performance of my duties is the duty to serve and protect the public interest, which is my duty as a Council member and a duty of the College.

I will perform the duties of my position without favour or ill will to any person or entity.

I will ensure that other memberships, directorships, voluntary or paid positions or affiliations that I may hold will not interfere or conflict with the performance of my duties as a Council member.

So help me God.

The last line will be omitted in an affirmation.