Professionally SpeakingThe Magazine of the Ontario College of Teachers
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In this issue





Governing Ourselves


Professionally Speaking is published quarterly by the Ontario College of Teachers to inform its members about the activities and decisions of the College. The magazine provides a forum for discussion of issues relevant to the future of teaching and learning, teachers' professional learning and standards of practice.

The views expressed in articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the College.

Reproduction, in whole or in part, of articles from this issue of Professionally Speaking is encouraged. Please credit the Ontario College of Teachers and Professionally Speaking, September 2007.

Letters to the editor and submissions on topics of interest to the profession are welcome. Unsolicited manuscripts cannot be returned.

ISSN 1206-8799

Editorial Board

Annilee Jarvis (Chair), Gabrielle Blais, Dean Favero, Ijaz Rauf, Henry Tyndorf


Richard Lewko


Philip Carter

Managing Editor

Joyce Mason

Associate Editor

Véronique Ponce

Photography and Editorial Production

Leata Lekushoff


Rosemary Kennedy (English), Lyse Ward (French)


Julie Fournel, Caroline Fredericks, Véronique Ponce, Wyley Powell, Marie-Josée Roy

Print Production

Stephanie McLean, Simon Young


Cindy Alexander, Majella Atkinson, Gabrielle Barkany, Michael Benedict, Lois Browne, Dorothea Bryant, Canadian War Museum, Nadine Carpenter, Don Cattani, Ian Crysler Photography, Ramona Dempsey, Evan Dion Photography, Gérald Fortier, Giant Vision Photography, Glenlyon Norfolk School, Margaret Grift, Olivia Hamilton, Wendy Harris, Mary Hookey, Brian Jamieson, Ken Larose, Suzanne Laveau, Leata Lekushoff, Gail Lennon, Matthew Plexman Photography, Marc Potvin, Brian McGowan, Frank McIntyre, Leanne Miller, Reuters/CORBIS, Chris Sach-Anderson, Lynda Scarrow, Beatrice Schriever, Graham Scott, Brian David Stevens/CORBIS, Anjana Thom, Bonnie Thomson, Elke Town, Kerry Walford, Jon Waller, Tom Wilkinson, Anthony Woods, Jennifer Wyatt


Kerry Walford

Art Direction, Design & Production

RadonicRodgers design+marketing

Cover Photography

Matthew Plexman Photography


Professionally Speaking
Ontario College of Teachers
121 Bloor Street East
Toronto, ON M4W 3M5
fax 416-961-8822 or


Dovetail Communications Inc.
tel 905-886-6640; fax 905-886-6615

(Ontario College of Teachers logo)

The College is the self-regulating professional body for Ontario teachers. Membership is open to anyone qualified to teach in the province and required to maintain an Ontario teaching certificate.

The College is responsible to the public and the profession for ensuring teachers receive the training they need to provide Ontario's students with an excellent education now and in the future. It sets standards of practice and learning for teachers and accredits teacher education programs and providers.

The College regulates teaching qualifications, investigates complaints involving members and takes appropriate disciplinary action.

College Council


Don Cattani


Annilee Jarvis


Danny Anckle, Gabrielle Blais, Paul Brazeau, Brian Doubleday, Cynthia Farrar, Dean Favero, Laura Featherstone, Rosemary Fontaine, Nick Forte, Helen Fox, Mel Greif, Brent Hamelin, Gordon Hough, Garry Humphreys, Peter Joong, Andrew Kane, William Kirkwood, Rollande Lavictoire, Anne Marie Levesque, Bill Matheson, Heather Nagy, Jacques Pavesi, Ruth Ann Penny, Ijaz Rauf, Tanya Roberts, Susan Robertson, Tianna Travaglini-Babic, Jacques Tremblay, John Tucker, Henry Tyndorf, Donald Watson, Hanno Weinberger, John Wells, Sharon Young Kipp


Brian P. McGowan

Deputy Registrar

Lise Roy-Kolbusz

Department co-ordinators

Francine Dutrisac, Co-ordinator, French-Language Services
Joe Jamieson, Co-ordinator, Professional Affairs
Richard Lewko, Co-ordinator, Executive
Michael Salvatori, Co-ordinator, Membership Services
Linda Zaks-Walker, Co-ordinator, Investigations and Hearings

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121 Bloor St. E.
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