Reports on recent College activities and a selection of announcements, events and initiatives in the wider education community.
Preparing global citizens
With but one urban studies course offered at a handful of schools across the province and an increased number of people making their way to a city near you, it seems we may have a problem.
Fortunately, Josh Fullan, OCT, an English teacher at University of Toronto Schools, has a solution.
“To live successfully and sustainably, students have to learn about urbanization,” he says. Fullan believes there is a need for more urban studies throughout a student’s schooling. “If we are to prepare students to be global citizens, then urban affairs has to be part of the conversation.”
This is especially true given that one-half of the global population now lives in cities, and given that the GTA will likely constitute more than one-half of Ontario’s population within the next two decades.
Fullan directed a one-week mini-urban institute for high school students in August. Maximum City had volunteer professionals teaching modules on subjects ranging from architecture to transit.
Fullan will repeat the exercise in July, adding a second week and location to serve more students. He hopes to develop an urban studies unit that can be integrated into a number of courses.
For more information, including the free modules from the summer program, visit