<i>Professionally Speaking</i>The Magazine of the Ontario College of Teachers
(eVote 2006 logo)


From the Chair

Registrar's Report

Changing Times



Council Members

eVote 2006

Candidates: Candidate information | College tour | Play your part


College tour

If you are considering standing as a candidate in the election, we invite you to tour the College to get a closer look at what your College does and how we do it.

You’ll view the Council Chamber, our call centre, the hearing room, the Margaret Wilson Library and the departments that support the work of the Council.

Two tours are offered in English on Thursday, July 6 – one in the morning, one in the afternoon. A tour in French is offered Friday morning, July 7.

Potential candidates assume their own travel and accommodation costs.

If you are interested, please book by July 4. Call 416-961-8800 (toll-free in Ontario 1-888-534-2222), ext 559 or e-mail evote2006@oct.ca.