![]() To list your conference or event here, please e-mail the College library with the information at library@oct.ca; fax: 416-961-8822; or phone: 416-961-8800 ext. 679 |
SEPTEMBER 27-29 Learning Disabilities Association of Canada: Time to Learn – Time to Celebrate; Halifax; contact: Annie Baert 902-423-2850; ldans@ns.sympatico.ca 28-30 The Council of Outdoor Educators of Ontario: Conference 2001 – Today for Tomorrow; Irondale; contact: Glen Hester; hesterg@idirect.ca OCTOBER 3-5 TW Branun & Associates: Pathways To Success – Understanding And Responding To Diversity; Winnipeg; contact: 1-800-325-4769 or 858-546-7555; fax: 858-546-7560; www.twblearn.com/pathwaystosuccesswinn/winnpathways.html 4-5 Northern School Resource Alliance: Principal and Teacher Workshops; Thunder Bay; contact: Dorothy Kostreba 807-475-6989 ext. 221; fax: 807-475-6945; dkostreba@resourcenorth.com; www.resourcenorth.com 15 Canadian Safe School Network: Safe School Conference; Toronto; www.cssn.org/home.htm 17-20 TW Branun & Associates: Whatever It Takes – Ensuring Success For A Diversity Of Learners; Vancouver; contact: 1-800-325-4769 or 858-546-7555; fax: 858-546-7560; www.twblearn.com/chillwhateverittakes.html 19 Special Education Consortium: 5th Annual SETTT Conference – Special Education Technology for Today and Tomorrow; Toronto; contact: Lena Roccasalvo 416-424-3831; roccaslavo@yahoo.com 19-20 Ontario Modern Language Teachers’ Association: 2001 Fall Symposium – Languages Open Doors to the World; Sudbury; contact: 905-315-7877; fax: 905-315-7880; omlta@idirect.com 19-20 Ontario Association for Geographic and Environmental Education: OAGEE's Fall Conference, Geography – Gateway to Innovation; Niagara Falls; contact: Sue Hotte 905-684-6349; fax: 905-684-2505; sue.hotte@dsbn.edu.on.ca; www.oagee.org 22-26 Earth & Space Week at the Ontario Science Centre: Grades 4-10; Toronto; contact: School Bookings Services at 416-696-3140; www.ontariosciencecentre.ca 26-28 Ontario Society for Education Through Art: 2000 and ONE – A Visual Arts Education Odyssey: The Classroom and Beyond; Barrie; contact: Jennifer Copeland 705-734-6363 ext. 268; jcopeland@scdsb.on.ca or Claudia Mandler McKnight 705-737-2091; c-mcknight@home.com; www.osea.on.ca 31–November 2 National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification: 5th Professional Practices Institute – Protecting Our Students; San Diego; contact: Roy Einreinhofer 508-539-8844; fax: 508-539-8868; nasdtec@mediaone.net; www.nasdtec.org NOVEMBER 1-2 Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario: From Research into Practice – A Conference on Learning Disabilities for Researchers, Practitioners, Educators and Parents; Toronto; contact: 416-226-9756; mggoebel@interlog.com; ldconference.topcities.com/index2.htm; www.ldao.on.ca 1-3 Ontario Music Educators’ Association: 2001 – A Musical Odyssey: Annual Conference; Waterloo; contact: Jennifer Rodrigues 519-747-1603; jennifer.rodrigues@wcdsb.edu.on.ca 2-3 Checkmark 2001: An Assessment Conference for Elementary, Secondary, English, French and First Nations Educators, Researchers and Administrators; North Bay; contact: Janet Ross 705-474-3461 ext. 4558; janetr@unipissing.ca; www.unipissing.ca 7-10 National Association of Biology Teachers: 63rd National Convention; Montréal; contact: 1-800-406-0775; nabtr@aol.com; www.nabt.org 8-9 Ontario College of Teachers: Council Meeting; Toronto; contact: Charlie Morrison 416-961-8800 ext. 628; toll-free in Ontario 1-888-534-2222 ext. 628; outreach@oct.ca 9-10 The Ontario Reading Association: Celebrate Literacy Conference – 2001 A Reading Odyssey; Niagara Falls; contact: dpilkington3@home.com 10-13 Canadian Association of Communicators in Education: Annual Conference: Communications Basics for the Wired World; Waterloo; contact: Margaret Coleman 519-570-0003 ext. 4137; fax: 519-742-1364; margaret_coleman@wrdsb.on.ca; www.cace-acace.org 16-17 Ontario Council for Exceptional Children: 45th Annual Provincial Conference – Celebrating Every Child; Stratford; contact: Denise Drinkwalter; fax: 519-275-3543; denised@orc.ca |
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