College call centre staff answer over 500 calls every day.
Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.
Answering Your Calls
completed several Additional Qualification (AQ) courses over the summer
and would like to have an updated certificate that reflects this. How do I
obtain this?
College acknowledges via e-mail that AQs have been added to certificates
after their issue date. This acknowledgement acts as an official addendum to
the certificate. The newly added AQs will also appear on the public register,
which is accessible from our web site. All such AQs recorded and acknowledged
this year will appear on your certificate issued next year.
If you prefer not to wait until next year, updated certificates can
be provided at a cost of $25. To order, please call Client Services
or forward a signed request, including your name, registration number
and payment. (See contact information, right column.)
completed the Principal's Qualification Program (PQP) Part 1 and am
waiting for my recommendation to be sent to the College. In the interim
I would like to take PQP 2. How do I provide evidence of having completed
PQP 1?
Conditional Admission Form to PQP 2 was designed for such circumstances.
It is available on the College web site under Forms. The provider of PQP 1
must complete and sign the form, which attests to your successful completion
of PQP 1. The provider of PQP 2 will admit you into PQP 2 after receiving the
completed conditional admission form.
have just completed a Masters degree. How do I get it added to my certificate?
contact your university and arrange to have an official transcript
sent directly to the College. Upon receipt of an official transcript,
showing the conferral of an acceptable university degree, the College
will add the degree to your credentials and issue you an official letter
of acknowledgement.
BA is an Honours degree - why doesn't this designation show up on my
have the Honours designation added to a degree already listed under
your credentials, please send a signed correction request and a photocopy
of your transcript confirming the Honours designation to Client Services.
are the annual fees due and how can I pay them?
annual membership fee is due January 1st each year. Payments can usually
be made beginning in late November for the following year. You may pay
online at or mail a cheque or money order, payable to the Ontario College
of Teachers, to 121 Bloor Street East. You may also pay in person at the College's
Walk-in Centre located on the 6th floor, using a cheque, a money order, cash,
debit, VISA or MasterCard. We must receive your payment no later than April
15th if you wish to avoid suspension for non-payment of fees.
Client Services
Ontario College of Teachers
121 Bloor Street
East, Toronto ON M4W 3M5
416-961-8800 (toll-free in Ontario 1-888-534-2222)