
Principal’s program entry requirements defined

If you’re planning on entering the Principal’s Qualification Program (PQP), you will be interested in changes to Regulation 184/97, Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation, which defines the minimum number of credits in a master’s program.

Previously, since the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation did not define a master’s degree in terms of a minimum number of credits to be completed, it left the requirements for half of a master’s degree open to interpretation.

The regulation now defines the duration of a master’s degree, for entry to the PQP, as one year of full-time studies – that is, a minimum of 30 graduate postsecondary credits or their equivalent. This change has enabled the College to determine that a candidate may be admitted to the PQP on the basis of completing half the credits required for a master’s, that is, a minimum of 15 graduate postsecondary credits or their equivalent.

Entry to the PQP now requires, in addition to any credits used for initial certification:

  • a master’s degree consisting of a minimum of 30 graduate postsecondary credits or their equivalent, OR
  • a doctorate, OR
  • 30 graduate postsecondary credits or their equivalent, OR
  • two specialist qualifications, OR
  • one specialist qualification and half the credits required for a master’s degree, that is, a minimum of 15 graduate postsecondary credits or their equivalent.

Graduate postsecondary credits or their equivalent that qualify for any graduate degree beyond the bachelor’s degree level will meet the requirements, including credits or their equivalent earned in master or doctoral programs and credits or their equivalent that can be used toward earning a master’s degree.

For example, if a master’s degree comprising 30 credits was used for initial certification – instead of a BEd – the credits cannot be used again to meet other requirements. However, if you have a specialist qualification and a master's with 42 credits you will only need to complete another three credits at the graduate postsecondary level to meet PQP entry requirements. Three credits is the equivalent of a one-semester course.

At the same time as the regulation was changed to define a master’s degree for PQP requirements, it was also changed to define a master’s degree for entry requirements to the Supervisory Officer’s Qualification Program as 30 graduate postsecondary credits or their equivalent. Like the PQP changes, the master’s credits must be beyond the credits used for initial certification.

See prerequisites for the complete list of entry requirements for Additional Qualifications.

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