December 2012


Food for thought

How well do school-supplied lunches serve students’ brains?

Forces for change

Meet four OCTs who serve in the Canadian Forces.

Dealing with aggressive parents

Most teachers will face an intimidating mom or dad at some point. Discover coping strategies from OCTs who’ve been there.

Algoma’s approach

Should Grade 7s and 8s be in the same school as Grades 9 to 12? Find out why three schools in the Algoma DSB say yes.

Ethical leadership

A look at highlights and insights from the two one-day ethical standards sessions.


At the College

From the chair

Registrar’s report

Letters to the editor



Exemplary OCT

Meet Sheri Alcordo, OCT, the award-winning teacher who celebrates student success one jelly bean at a time.

Remarkable teachers

Academy Award winner Christopher Plummer shares his love of literature and remembers the two teachers who helped mould his career.

Final exam

CBC Radio’s Jian Ghomeshi tells us how his school years influenced his career — and his debut book.


Tech class

How Debra Crep, OCT, brings the world to her classroom.


So What Do They Really Know? / Guiding Readers / Intelligence Quest / Media Literacy in the K–12 Classroom / Write Like This / Math Work Stations / Literacy Smarts / Middle of Nowhere / La première guerre de Toronto

Governing Ourselves

Website redesign

Committees and chairs


Dispute resolution
