The results are in! Here, in no particular order, are the top sites for teacher resources as suggested by you, our readers. For additional sites and past editions, click on back issues.
by Greg Enright
Teachers’ top sites

Ed Detective
This easy-to-navigate site serves up a wealth of links to free and fun online games and activity ideas that reinforce skills taught in class. Anything and everything you can imagine that is useful in the classroom is there, categorized by subject and level. Register to access the EdTeacher section, where teachers can share their favourite links.
Recommended by Cristian Fazzini, OCT, and Lisa Papa, OCT, who teach in the Toronto Catholic DSB

Art Department
This portal dedicated to art teachers features an extensive lesson-plan list sorted by category - including grade level, art period and artist. The Art Stuff section provides links to countless resources, including art blogs and zines. Teachers of all subjects will want to check out Free Things in the Toolbox area.
Recommended by Elizabeth A. Ciaravella, OCT, a Grade 6 and 8 Core French teacher with the Upper Grand DSB

Games for Change
Browse the Game Channels to find role-playing games that illustrate issues such as the environment, poverty, human rights and global conflicts. In 3rd World Farmer, for example, players take up the position of a family trying to survive disasters, wars and poor medical care.
Recommended by Mike Farley, OCT, who teaches Grade 7-12 geography at University of Toronto Schools.

Art Projects For Kids
This welcoming blog features more than 600 classroom-tested art projects developed by teacher Kathy Barbro. Scroll a bit to get to the extensive category list on the left side.
Recommended by April Maves, OCT, a Grade 3 and 4 teacher at Dr. Robert Thornton PS in Whitby.

Figure This!
A group of cartoon friends helps bring to life this site’s trove of math challenges. The emphasis is on showing students how math is applied in the real world.
Recommended by J. Restoule General , OCT, a district numeracy teacher for Six Nations Schools.
Rounding out the list

Recommended by Elizabeth A. Ciaravella, OCT.

Recommended by Qaiser Ahmad, OCT, a guidance counsellor at North Albion CI in Toronto. - Practice Tests
Recommended by J. Restoule General, OCT. - kingskid - freestuff
Recommended by John RickeyJohn Rickey, OCT, a Grade 1 teacher at Grandview PS in Bethany.