Governing Ourselves

Governing Ourselves informs members of legal and regulatory matters affecting the profession. This section provides updates on licensing and qualification requirements, notification of Council resolutions and reports from various Council committees, including reports on accreditation and discipline matters.

Teachers' qualifications

Teaching opportunities

WERE YOU TEACHING locally developed Green Industries courses before September 1, 2010? Or did you have qualifications in Computer Studies or Business Studies – Data Processing?

If so, you can be assigned or appointed to teach current courses, even if those qualifications have not been entered on your certificate.

Green Industries

Recent regulation changes recognize that the new technological education qualification Green Industries might have been delivered in locally developed classes by teachers who could not obtain the qualification. The regulation has changed to permit teachers who taught locally developed Green Industries courses for at least two years before September 1, 2010, to be assigned or appointed to teach Green Industries.

Computer or Business Studies – Data Processing

The regulation changed to recognize that computer technology is now a technological education subject, but teachers who had qualifications in the general education subjects Computer Studies or Business Studies – Data Processing as of August 31, 2010 may now be assigned or appointed to teach computer technology.

Teacher qualifications are described in the College's Teachers' Qualifications Regulation. Teaching assignments are the responsibility of the Ministry of Education, and you can get more information on teaching assignments in the Ministry publication Teacher Assignment in Ontario Schools: A Resource Guide at