June 2010


Building Inclusive Schools

Policy into Practice – Addressing Homophobia

by Kate Lushington

Making Research Come Alive

How can classroom teachers get the latest thinking on instruction and learning? A series of plain-language monographs is helping teachers turn research into practice.

by Stuart Foxman

Leading and Learning

A Ministry program to fund teachers’ school-based research projects is making significant impact on teachers, students, schools and board programming.

by Leanne Miller, OCT

Learning How the Brain Learns

by Alanna Mitchell

Building Identity

by Rochelle Pomerance


from the chair

registrar’s report

letters to the editor

ps news

Self-regulation / Robotics / Conferences / Symposium / Qualifications / Visitors / Family Literacy / Consultation / Notable Dates


exemplary OCT

Johanne Messner

remarkable teacher

Nancy Robertson recalls Chuck McNicholl



Teaching Fairly in an Unfair World / Creating Safe School Environments / What Works Best / Getting Dads on Board / Great Teacher Projects, K–8 / It’s a Teen’s World / Learn to Speak Music / Tumbleweed Skies / A Game Plan for Life / Claudette Colvin / Chenxi and the Foreigner / What’s the Big Idea?


Earl Haig teachers embrace social media

governing ourselves


Empathy and rehabilitation govern Fitness to Practise rulings


Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation / Harmonized sales tax / Council meetings / Annual report / 2010 annual meeting of members / Accreditation / Appointment / Investigations / Dispute Resolution / Hearings