September 2010


Teaching without Schools

Haiti after the Earthquake

by Jessica Leeder

All-Day Kindergarten Comes to Ontario

Everyone is on a learning curve as the province starts to roll out all-day kindergarten.

by Jennifer Lewington

Careers Beyond the Classroom

Many members of the College are pursuing fascinating livelihoods outside teaching. How did their careers evolve, and why do they maintain their teaching ties?

by Stuart Foxman

Nipissing Looks to SpICE Up Teacher Education

Bringing Imagination and Creativity into Teacher Education and Teaching

by Leanne Miller


from the chair

registrar’s report

letters to the editor

ps news

Preparing Teachers for Tomorrow / Online Math Contest / Professionally Speaking Wins Awards / Social Action Project Resources / General Teaching Council for England / Visitors / Self-Regulation / Partnership / Notable Dates


exemplary OCT

Lindsay Hall

remarkable teacher

Kurt Browning recalls Leonard McLean



Children, their World, their Education / Teach Like a Champion / Whatever Happened to Language Arts? / The Teacher’s Ultimate Stress Mastery Guide / Boys Adrift / Ready to Learn / Pulling Together / A World Full of Ghosts / Choose Your Voice (resource kit) / Intermediate Literacy Stations / Être l’acteur de son cours (Running the Ship)/ Journal de mes vacances (What I Did on my Vacation)


Tech-savvy tools at your fingertips

governing ourselves


Eight FAQs to keep you informed


Annual Meeting of Members / New Building / Margaret Wilson Library / Council Meeting / Investigations / Dispute Resolution / Hearings