PS News

PS News presents reports on recent College activities and a selection of announcements, events and initiatives in the wider education community that may be of interest to our members.

Online education terminology bank

Would you like to know the French equivalent of an English word or the English equivalent of a French word related to the field of education?

Now you can consult the Banque de terminologie de l’éducation en Ontario (BTEO), a new resource with more than 11,500 records.

When you enter a word, an abbreviation or an acronym, the search engine provides both English and French results that are accurate, precise and consistent within the context of education in Ontario. In some instances you will receive additional information such as the rationale and source of the term.

Four partners are involved in the project: the College, the Ontario Ministry of Education, the Education Quality and Accountability Office and the Centre franco-ontarien de ressources pédagogiques. A representative from each organization will sit on the executive committee to ensure that the site is regularly updated.

A video tutorial is available at