Council meetings
Summary – September 2006
At its September 28–29 meeting College Council:
- appointed Brian McGowan to the position of Registrar and Chief Executive
Officer of the Ontario College of Teachers
- endorsed 66 recommendations regarding the Teachers' Qualifications
Review, including amendments to the Teachers' Qualifications Regulation
- approved the development and publication of a comprehensive report
to the education sector and the public about the findings of the College's
Teachers' Qualifications Review and the decisions as presented to Council
on September 29, 2006
- approved a motion to have the chair and/or vice-chair invited to
attend formal meetings between College and Ministry staff to develop
regulations under the Act
- directed the College to develop a response to Bill 124 based on
a number of critical issues identified by the Registration Appeals
Committee concerning equity and fairness, terminology and language
and proposed processes
- reaffirmed the Council's position on peer review to the Minister
of Education, stating that Council does not accept peer review for
principals and vice-principals as it relates to the Investigations
and Hearings process, since panels composed of elected and appointed
Council members are able to assess and judge fairly issues of professional
conduct for all members of the Ontario College of Teachers based on
the evidence presented
- approved the 2007 College budget with operating revenues of $26,881,000,
operating expenses of $28,076,000 and capital and deferred charges
of $736,000
- approved the transfer of $4,000,000 from the reserve for fee stabilization
to the reserve for stabilization of facility costs
- approved the addition of a policy analyst, evaluator, bilingual
production officer and bilingual library assistant/receptionist to
College staff in 2007.
Summary – October 2006
At a special meeting on October 19 College Council:
- appointed Lise Roy-Kolbusz to the role of Acting Deputy Registrar
and approved a process to recruit a permanent Deputy Registrar
- approved secondment and personal services agreements for the full-time
chair recommended by the ad hoc committee reviewing the position. The
chair will receive a salary equivalent to 166 per cent of the A4 maximum
in the Toronto DSB's elementary teachers' contract (currently, this
would be $134,317). The chair would also have the use of a one-bedroom,
furnished apartment if they live more than 80 kilometres from the College
office in downtown Toronto
- voted to pay the chair of the third Council retroactively for the
time she served in a full-time capacity, less the salary she received
- recommended that the fourth Council review the full-time chair position
prior to the end of the Council's term of office
- directed the Registrar to engage an external firm to review the
job descriptions and responsibilities of the Registrar, Deputy Registrar
and Council Chair to identify areas of overlap and redundancy and to
report to Council within six months
- directed the Registrar to undertake a comprehensive review of the
external Accreditation Regulation Review report and options, and identify
the effects on existing accreditation practices, processes and regulatory
- amended the Council member travel policy to allow Council members
who live within 50 km of the College to expense meals that may occur
before or after Council and/or committee meetings
- referred the Interim Suspensions, Undertakings and the Public Register
report to the chairs of the Investigations, Discipline and Fitness
to Practise committees for review and a report to Council in June 2007
- approved the development of a formal College response to the Ontario
government regarding Bill 52, an act to amend the Education Act respecting
pupil learning to the age of 18 and equivalent learning.
Council appointments
Government fills four of six vacancies on Council
 The provincial government
has appointed Lasalle resident Mike Lesperance and John Tucker of Battersea
to fill two of the vacancies for public representatives on College
Lesperance, owner and president of International Entertainment Network,
a supplier of multimedia services to the entertainment, corporate and
special events market, coaches and volunteers with community organizations,
including Transition to Betterness and St. Clair College.
Tucker, a self-employed broadcast
sales and management consultant, serves as a director on the board
of the Broadcast Executive Society.
The government also renewed the appointments of Council members Don
Watson and Bill Matheson.
The term of appointment for all four men is two years.
Two vacancies remain.