Meet your newly elected Council members.
Paul Brazeau (Northeast
Ontario – part-time/full-time) is an occasional teacher
for the Near North DSB. During his 35-year career he has taught students
from kindergarten to Grade 12 in Ontario, BC and Australia, and served
two elementary schools as vice-principal. Long involved with teacher
professional development, he currently liaises with teacher colleagues
from the UK to facilitate international professional development opportunities.
First elected to Council in 2003, he is vice-president of the Near
North Occasional Teachers Local for the Elementary Teachers' Federation
of Ontario. Brazeau has a BA from Laurentian University and an MEd
from the University of British Columbia. His College registration number
is 140054.
Don Cattani (Northwest
Ontario – part-time/full-time) currently an occasional teacher
with the Thunder Bay Catholic DSB, has been teaching in Ontario since
the early 1970s. He has taught Grades 7 to OAC English, religion, math,
history, law and alternative education. He was local president of the
Thunder Bay Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association, secondary,
from 1995 to 2006. He has been a member of Council since 2003, serving
on the Discipline and Executive committees and as chair of the Fitness
to Practise Committee. Cattani has a BA and a BEd from Lakehead University.
His College registration number is 264427.
Brian Doubleday (Southwest
Ontario – part-time/full-time) retired in 2006 after 36
years of active education experience and begins work this fall as an
occasional teacher for the Avon Maitland DSB. During his career he
taught Intermediate geography and Grade 8 home room for the former
Huron Board of Education. He was actively involved in federation activities
and served as chief negotiator, first vice-president and president
with the Avon Maitland elementary teachers' local. He graduated from
the program of Teacher Education at Lakehead Teachers College and has
a BA from the University of Western Ontario. His College registration
number is 264136.
Laura Featherstone (Central
Ontario – full-time) has taught Special Education, family studies,
history, technology and co-op since she began teaching in 1988. She
presently teaches social science and humanities at Marc Garneau CI
in Toronto. Her experience includes making presentations for Ministry
initiatives and working for school boards on curriculum documents.
She has written courses and taught online for Queen's University Family
Studies AQs. She has a BA from Wilfrid Laurier University plus a BEd
and an MEd from OISE/UT. Her College registration number is 179012.
Rosemary Fontaine (Central
Ontario – part-time/full-time) has been a classroom teacher with
the Toronto Catholic DSB since 1975. She currently teaches Grade 3
at Sts. Cosmas and Damian Catholic School in Toronto. Fontaine spent
eight years on the local executive of the Ontario English Catholic
Teachers' Association and for 14 years was a trustee of the Metro Catholic
Teachers' Long-Term Disability Plan. She chaired the plan for two years.
First elected to the College Council in 2003 she has served as a member
of the Discipline, Fitness to Practice and Human Resources committees.
She has a BA and a BEd from the University of Toronto. Her College
registration number is 151328.
Brent Hamelin (Southcentral
Ontario – full-time) has taught for 25 years at St. Theresa's
High School in Midland. A longtime science teacher, he completed Guidance
Parts 1 and 2 in 2004 and currently teaches guidance and careers. Involved
with the Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association (OECTA) since
1984, he has served on many committees at the local and provincial
levels. From 1995 to 2004 he was on full release to work for the Simcoe
Muskoka OECTA unit, first as release officer and later as unit president.
Hamelin has a BSc from the University of Guelph and a BEd from the
University of Toronto. His College registration number is 172416.
Gordon Hough (Southeast
Ontario – part-time/full-time) retired in 2003 after more than
30 years as a Primary/Junior classroom teacher, and has continued since
then as an occasional teacher with the Upper Canada DSB. First elected
to Council in 2003, Hough is a graduate of the Professional Education
Program at Ottawa Teacher's College and has a BA from the University
of Guelph. He has been active in the Elementary Teachers' Federation
of Ontario (ETFO) and its predecessor, the Ontario Public School Teachers'
Federation, for the past 30 years. He is an honorary life member of
the ETFO Upper Canada Local and the ETFO provincial. His College registration
number is 140539.
Sharon Young Kipp (Southwest
Ontario – full time) is department head, physical and health
education, for the Thames Valley DSB. During her 30-year career she
has worked as a PHE teacher, coach, convenor and teacher on special
assignment. She has served numerous organizations in her field, including
the Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations and the Minister's
Committee on Sport Safety. She was a course conductor for the National
Coaching Certification Program and a facilitator for the Ontario Educational
Leadership Centre. Young Kipp is currently a branch president of the
Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation. She has an Honours BA
and a BEd from the University of Western Ontario. Her College registration
number is 224507.
Tanya Roberts (Southeast
Ontario – full-time) has been teaching in Ottawa for nine years.
Most recently she has taught Grade 8 English, math and social studies.
In the current school year she takes on a new challenge as a Special
Education, computer and visual arts teacher for Grades 4 to 8. Roberts
has an Honours BA and a BEd from the University of Ottawa. She is a
past member of the Ottawa-Carleton Occasional Teachers' Association
executive and the Ottawa-Carleton Elementary Teachers' Federation of
Ontario (ETFO) executive. She served as a web site facilitator for
ETFO's Reflection on Practice leadership institute. Her College registration
number is 202504.
Hanno Weinberger (Southcentral
Ontario – part-time/full-time) has been a classroom teacher
with the Halton DSB for the past 30 years, teaching JK to Grade 6,
Special Education and working as the English half of a French Immersion
team. At the board level he has been a member of the kindergarten council
and partners in planning committees. An executive member of the local
Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO) since its inception,
he is currently a member of the provincial ETFO disabilities issues
committee, which he chaired in 2005–06. Weinberger has a BA/BSW
from McMaster University and a BEd from Hamilton Teacher's College.
His College registration number is 244106.
John Wells (Northwest
Ontario – full-time) has 12 years of classroom experience with
the Algoma DSB teaching mathematics, science and computer science.
He is past president of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation
(OSSTF) D2-Algoma, a member of the OSSTF collective bargaining and
education finance committees and a current OSSTF chief negotiator.
He has a BSc from Trent University and a BEd from Mount Allison University.
His College registration number is 261055.
Acclaimed member withdraws
Northeast Ontario – full time
Roberta Mary McEwen, recently acclaimed as a new Council member in
the Northeast Ontario full-time position, has stepped aside.
McEwen informed the College's Registrar that she has accepted an assignment
as a principal and is ineligible to serve as the representative of
northeastern Ontario members as she will not be a full-time classroom
The College is inviting member applications
for the position. You
may run for the position if you are a full-time, practising classroom
teacher and live in the regions of Sudbury, Manitoulin, Timiskaming,
Nipissing or Parry Sound. The deadline to apply is January 26, 2007.
Council's Nomination Committee will review all applications, meet
with short-listed candidates and recommend a nominee to Council.