September 2011


About More Than Robots

The FIRST Robotics competition delivers lessons for life and for learning.

by Michael Benedict

Sounds, Sense (and nonsense)

Fun and games can teach us something about the aquisition of language skills.

by Kate Lushington

2011 Member Survey

Passion, commitment and dedication are among the themes of our ninth annual survey.

by Brian Jamieson

Supported Professional Learning

Professional learning communities and what students need to succeed.

by Brian Jamieson


from the chair

registrar's report

letters to the editor

ps news


exemplary OCT

Katie Cole

remarkable teacher

Lisa LaFlamme recalls sister Vivian Zoller.



Get Graphic! and Harvey / Before They Read / The Cornerstones to Early Literacy / Fairy Tales in the Classroom / Picturing Canada / Canadian Railroad Trilogy / One Hen / Tyranny / Small Saul / Migrant / Visions in Poetry / Viola DesmomdWon't Be Budged / Perfect Snow / Roslyn Rutabaga and the Biggest Hole on Earth! / Shin-chi's Canoe / Better Together / What are you doing? / Tulip and Lupin Forever / A Flock of Shoes / Alego / Bird Child / Catching Time / Doggy Slippers / Fox on the Ice / Kazaak! / Pink!


Making elections come alive

resources extra

Teaching kids news

governing ourselves


Annual Report highlights / Appointment

eVote 2012


Annual members' meeting / Council meetings / Accreditation / IET Assessment / Teachers' qualifications / Accessibility measures / Investigations / Dispute Resolution / Hearings